Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals for Late Talkers – The MonteRabbi

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals for Late Talkers

Black Friday day is here and you must be looking forward to getting great deals for your late talking kids, right?

Well, we are going to look at some great Amazon deals that will surely make their day as well as color their Christmas holiday. So let’s jump into looking at what to buy them:

  • Boxiki smart pad

This boxiki smart pad is an educational toy that will help your toddler learn numbers, the ABC alphabet as well as identifying day to day objects such as cars. It also comes with a fun interactive quiz game where the kid is asked whether they can find different objects on the pad.

Other than helping the toddler with fine motor skills, the toy also helps the kid develop their language vocabulary and be able to identify things with ease even in real life. My recommendation is that the toy though should be used sparingly as toddlers need more outdoor activities as opposed to starting to spend time looking at handheld devices.

  • Spark innovations speech therapy cards

The spark innovations cards help your toddler to identify activities that are being done in a pictured card so that they can then learn to answer the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHO questions. In so doing, you are helping your toddler to learn more vocabularies as well as help them with analyzing and comparing activities.

The set of story activities available on the cards include:

  • Flying a Kite
  • Shopping Trip
  • Going Ice Skating
  • Painting a Room
  • Building an Igloo
  • Baking a Cake
  • Going to the Airport
  • A Trip to the Pet Store

The kid’s imagination will also grow and they will be able to identify things that are out there.

One thing I liked about the spark cards is that they are hard and with a glossy finish meaning that they will last for long before they tear or become unusable. The images are also captivating.

I would recommend this cards for parents who want to try speech therapy at home with their kids. You get to spend lots of time with the child and see them grow. And they will not be crying to use your laptop or smartphone while at it.

  • Word Flips

Is your child greatly speech delayed so that they only make unintelligible blabber though they are 4 years? Could it be that they have speech apraxia? Well, you really need the word flips book that is designed to help the kid with all the basics of pronunciation and grasping all forms of vocabularies.

Most parents who bought this book found out that the speech therapists who they were taking their kids to for sessions were using the very same book to help the kids speak. So, why not buy it themselves and skip the speech therapy session hustle? Well, it proved to be a really good aid especially if you have the time and patience to spend time with your child teaching them how to speak.

James Njenga
James Njenga