My Speech Delayed Son's First Errand Experience - The MonteRabbi

My Speech Delayed Son’s First Errand Experience

Today, I sent my speech delayed son to the shop for the very first time. Ever.

So I wanted to prepare some tea but realized that we have run out of tea leaves in the house.

So, I sent him out to the local kiosk to get some.

Normally, I would send his grade 7 sister but she was yet to get back from school.

Now, I was brought up to realize that when a kid is able to go to the shop without losing money and get the right products then they are really growing up.

And so going to the shop is a really big skill.

Now, if you have been following my story, you know very well that my 6 year old son is a late talker.

Today, he can make statements. And even engage in small small conversations.

On sending him, a blanket of fear suddenly enveloped him.

The kiosk is about 400 metres from where we live. The road there sometimes has motorbikes, a few cars and lorries.

Yes, I know you feel that it must be irresponsible for me to send him out.

But come on, I really want to instill a sense of independence on him.

I also knew that he  would be careful to move away from motorbikes and lorries since I have seen him do that.

Out of fear, he said ‘Naogopa’. That means ‘I am afraid’

And so, I assured him that I would be right behind him.

But I wanted him to be at least 100 metres ahead so that I could watch him from afar.

And so as we walked to the shop, he would glance behind, see me and soldier on.

Needless to say, he was able to accomplish the mission.

And as we walked back home together, he was smiling.

I asked him, “Will you be able to go to the shop alone tomorrow”

“Yes, sure,” he said.

That indeed warmed my heart.

James Njenga
James Njenga