5 Surefire Autism Wandering Prevention Strategies – The MonteRabbi

5 Surefire Autism Wandering Prevention Strategies

Did you watch the series God Friended me where there was this non-verbal autistic boy who wandered away from home and went to a piano-playing event to play this song that his mother had always sang to him since he was a toddler.

It was beautiful seeing the boy play the piano with such dexterity after seeing Milles Finer play it once.

At the same time, it was scary for a mother to lose their autistic kid.

One moment you have your child in front of you, and the next, he disappears. Where vanishing of a child itself can shake the ground for any parent, a child with the disorders like autism puts the parents in a more terrific situation and that too permanently. One cannot imagine what the parents of autistic children, especially those who suffer from autism wandering, go through.

Autism wandering prevention may help such parents. It teaches them a few strategies to deal with autistic children. This article will help such parents a great deal in their dealings with their children to stay safe and healthy always.

Cause of Wandering

Researchers state that almost half of all autistic children tend to wander, and many times, they can be missing for very long.  Autism wandering is not like a toddler walking curiously towards the flowers to smell them. Autism wandering is often fast, intentional, and can be highly dangerous. Autistic children frequently walk toward water and can run into traffic.

Experts describe that autism wandering is a way to communicate. The child wishes to get closer to a thing he/she finds interesting or wishes to flee from something bothering or causing uneasiness. It’s not wise to scold your autistic child for wandering away. Rather, focus on autism wandering prevention techniques to decrease the chances of repetition.

Strategies for Autism Wandering Prevention

74% of wanderings occur at home. Children engage in such behaviour at school or when they are on family outings.  However, specialists believe the problem can start at home. Take action and bring meaningful changes to protect your child.

We have prepared some strategies to help you and your child.

1.      Understand Triggers

Observe your children, listen to what they are trying to tell you. What is prompting this wandering behaviour? Understanding your child’s needs and troubling them is the most important and initial step in this regard. Was the space too hot? Is everything too loud or too bright? If you detect triggers, you can formulate a strong solution.

2.      Make Use of Technology

Technology can make your life easier, and there are some good gadgets you can utilize to keep your child safe and give you peace. GPS-embedded alert bracelets will help you locate your child.

3.      Lock Down Exits

Call a professional to saunter through your house and spot problem spots. Door locks and a security system can keep your offspring on your property if the wandering urge hits.

4.      Devise a Safety Plan

It is also important to develop a safety plan and be ready to handle any situation. Discuss your child’s tendency to wander with the neighbours. Talk to your community heads and with the members of the neighbourhood watch. If your child wanders away, then everyone will know about the situation and can help you quickly.

5.      Allow Safe Exploration

The intention is not to imprison your child so if they wander and only want to feel the grass, stroke the pets, or watch something, then create a safe space for them to have the freedom to roam around.

Final Words

Letting your autistic child wander away can be truly terrifying, but if you have all the safety precautions in place, you can be at ease knowing you can find your child quickly. We are confident this article can help you find some handy ways for autism wandering prevention.

James Njenga
James Njenga