Famous Autistics – The MonteRabbi

Famous Autistics

  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
April 12, 2023

In 2021, Wentworth Miller, the well-known actor famous for his role in...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
December 12, 2022

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, was a visionary and innovative thinker...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
December 12, 2022

Former Manchester United player, Mani O’Kane, has revealed that he has been...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
December 12, 2022

Bill Gates is a well-known entrepreneur, philanthropist, and software developer who is...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
December 12, 2022

Lionel Messi, the Argentine soccer superstar, has long been rumored to have...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
November 13, 2020

Was Einstein really a late talker? This is a question that I...

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