New year activities for late talkers - The MonteRabbi

New year activities for late talkers

It is that time of the year when everyone is making new year resolutions. Yes, because making resolutions is a cool thing to do.

New Year Resolutions for Parents with Late talking Kids

You should not leave your late talking child behind. Let them also relish the moments of seeing things anew. And this will largely be dictated by the activities that you involve them in.

Time for preschool or baby care

If you are like most people, January means going back to work. So you will not spend most of the daytime with your kiddo but at working eking out a living.

How about locating a good preschool where you can take them in the morning and pick them up in the evening after work.

In preschool, kids are able to meet others from diverse backgrounds, socialize and chat animatedly about how the holidays panned out. It is also a good place to play, have guided learning from awesome preschool teachers as well as catch new songs.

You need not worry that your child will be a loner or not fit in since they have been left out with their language milestones. No, let them just go there and be.

You will be pleased with yourself much later on for taking your child to preschool though they might not be doing so much academics other than play and sing. But it is better off than remaining at home in front of the TV where all they will be doing is watching Nickoledeon and PBS kids.

You will surprised at the number of words that your kid is going to grasp as well as the new songs that they will be so excited to sing to you in the evening.

Speech therapy

After spending time with your kid at home during the December holidays, it is time to take your late talker for speech therapy sessions.

Yes, I know that you might have been doing some speech therapy activities with them at home. But kids also like a change of environment. They might also not be gaining so much language skills from your speech therapy sessions since they want to regard you as their parent and not teacher.

Speech therapy could either be done in a physical location or have them done remotely through teletherapy.

Reflect on the milestones with the child

Rather than beat yourself that your three or four year old child is yet to talk fluently, you need to ponder and reflect back on the far that you have come.

It has been a long journey.

Just remember those days when the child would not even make an attempt at calling you ‘mama’ or ‘papa’ and here they are, they have a few phrases that they can make. It is time to pat yourself as well as the child on the back and focus on improving their speech without too much pressure from other people.

James Njenga
James Njenga