James Njenga - The MonteRabbi - Page 4 of 15
  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
February 26, 2022

A common question parents ask their child’s speech therapists is,” did I...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 14, 2022

If your child is a late talker, one thing that you probably...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 13, 2022

Voice-activated toys are the best for speech therapy. They help children in...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 13, 2022

Sensory mats are necessary toys for kids with autism. They will help...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 11, 2022

One recommendation that we made while writing home remedies for late talking...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 9, 2022

Language and speech development milestones are related to receptive language and expressive...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 9, 2022

As a parent, your child’s first words are magical sounding like music...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 9, 2022

Touchscreen tablets and smartphones are as important as toys for nonverbal children...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 9, 2022

Although toddlers are picky eaters many times children with autism have symptoms...

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