Why the wait and see approach is not good for late talkers – The MonteRabbi

Why the wait and see approach is not good for late talkers

For whatever you do with your late talker, do not embrace the wait and see approach says this research study. I know so many people, friends, workmates and even family members have told you that you can just wait and see how things are going to pan out with your late talking toddler. But it is both a lazy and backward way of solving things.

You never know what could be causing your child’s late talking.

Do not just dismiss their language delay problems as they showing signs of a late bloomer and that they are going to catch up with their peers as they approach the school-going years.


Do not listen to those who tell you that your kid could be like Einstein who spoke when he was past the age of 4 years. Another bunch will tell you examples of other kids who took time before they spoke. They will even blame hereditary genes.

But that is a wrong approach to things.

Instead do the following as Hanen.org advices:

  • Go for autism assessment

Your kid might be autistic. And you will never know this until it is too late. Not unless you go to a pediatrician or to a speech pathologist for a test. When tested, the medical personnel is going to advice on early intervention measures that you need to take such as going for speech therapy or having the kid socialize with others.

  • Go for an audiology test

Your kid could be having a hearing problem. You will never know this when you take the wait and see approach. If they are not hearing what you are saying, they are not going to respond or even express themselves.

If detected early, you could have your kid get cochlear implants, ears dried off excess liquid or teach sign language to them.

  • Go for a test on receptive language disorder

Receptive language disorder is where the child hears you but they do not understand you. Therefore, they are not able to respond back to what you just said. It can be cured by first understanding that is what your kid is going through and then speaking to them in simple, intentional phrases.

  • Test on expressive language disorder

Expressive language disorder is where your kid hears and even understands you but they do not have the language to speak back to you. They have a problem expressing themselves.

James Njenga
James Njenga