James Njenga - The MonteRabbi - Page 9 of 15

James Njenga

  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 15, 2021

Bringing up a child is no child’s play. Bringing up a late...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
January 6, 2021

It is that time of the year when everyone is making new...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
December 9, 2020

When you have a late talker, one hectic thing is training them...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
December 4, 2020

When you realize that your kid has speech delay, you will be...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
November 27, 2020

When your child is still not talking at three years or not...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
November 24, 2020

Black Friday day is here and you must be looking forward to...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
November 14, 2020

To feel really appreciated by their parents, kids with cerebral palsy would...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
November 13, 2020

Was Einstein really a late talker? This is a question that I...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
November 12, 2020

The holidays are knocking and it is time that you gave your...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
November 3, 2020

According to Stanford Children’s Health Organization, this are the language milestones that...

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