James Njenga - The MonteRabbi - Page 11 of 15

James Njenga

  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
September 29, 2020

A board game is a game that consist of movement of counters...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
September 16, 2020

What is Receptive language delay? According to InterMountainHealthcare, receptive language disorder is...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
September 15, 2020

If you are looking for a high end noise reduction solution as...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
September 1, 2020

When you have a kid with sensory processing disorder such as autism,...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
August 31, 2020

One of the people who has given high hopes to parents whose...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
August 31, 2020

While Albert Einstein was arguably one of the most intelligent scientists that...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
August 30, 2020

Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects muscles and movement. The condition...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
June 8, 2020

There is no greater joy for most parents than discussing the milestones...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
May 27, 2020

Gifted children who talk late are always labeled as having the Einstein...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
May 12, 2020

DIY sensory board Addresses Tactile and Educational Needs of Child We have...

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