James Njenga - The MonteRabbi - Page 10 of 15

James Njenga

  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
October 28, 2020

As one speech pathologist by the name professor Stephen Camarata says in...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
October 28, 2020

It took some time before my three year old son formulated his...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
October 27, 2020

The Christmas holiday is fast approaching. And it is time to remember...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
October 26, 2020

Children who are late talkers have relatively good developmental milestones in time...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
October 23, 2020

The Christmas season is fast approaching and this is a good time...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
October 8, 2020

Caring for a kid with cerebral palsy will of course not be...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
October 8, 2020

Having a healthy baby is every parent’s dream when you find out...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
October 8, 2020

What is the meaning of cerebral palsy? Cerebral palsy is a form...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
October 5, 2020

Autism usually goes along with sensory matters. Oren Steinberg_ the cofounder of...

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  • James Njenga
  • Posted by James Njenga
September 30, 2020

Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects the brain that causes challenges...

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